
Dear America: We Have To Do Better

Christ told His followers to love their enemies, do good to them, and pray for them. So, today, whatever political tribe you ascribe to – love those who hate you, do good to them, and pray for those who disagree with you.

The assassination attempt on former President Trump, which has resulted in at least two deaths, is devastating. Whatever political opinions you hold, the evil beheld today should bring us all to our knees in grief and sorrow.

The political climate has become untenable. As political discourse has become more hateful and inciteful, I lend a call of repentance to my fellow Americans. Identity politics, media polarization, and sin have given rise to a nation that has become largely unrecognizable.

We’ve become void of morality, human decency, and dignity.We owe it to each other and to our Creator to do better BY each other. Political discourse should never open the door for evil and malice toward each other.

Christ told His followers to love their enemies, do good to them, and pray for them. So, today, whatever political tribe you ascribe to – love those who hate you, do good to them, and pray for those who disagree with you.

Above all, humble yourself, pray, and seek God’s face. Only then will he heal our land. Let us remember that without Christ, without the hope, peace, and love of the Savior, we’re lost.

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